Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Where Do I Get Energy?

Name________________________________ Date_____________________________

Where Do I Get Energy?
Internet Webquest Activity

Directions: Navigate the websites and collect information for each section of this webquest activity.  Please make sure you write your responses in complete sentences and apply care and color in your drawings/sketches.

A. Photosynthesis Animation

1. What do plants take in through the roots? _____________________________________

2. What moves up stems to the leaves? ____________________________________________

3. Where does the leaf get water? _________________________________________________

4. Where does the leaf get carbon dioxide? _______________________________________

5. What does the leaf combine to make sugar? ____________________________________

6. What does the plant release into the air as a waste? ____________________________

7. What does the plant do with the sugar it makes? ________________________________

8. Why are plants important to the environment? __________________________________

B. Introduction to Photosynthesis - Illuminating Photosynthesis
  • Click on “Launch Interactive”.  Here, you will explore how photosynthesis works by helping the process along in this game.

The Cycle
1. What cycles do you see?

Atomic Shuffle
2. Draw a water molecule.

3. Draw a carbon dioxide molecule.

4. When carbon dioxide enters the cell, describe what happens.

5. Draw the structural molecule of glucose.  How many carbon atoms, oxygen atoms, and hydrogen atoms?

6. Write the overall equation for photosynthesis.

Three Puzzlers
Puzzler 1: How many people can an average tree keep alive with the oxygen it puts out?
Puzzler 2: Can a plant stay alive without light?  Explain.

Puzzler 3: Could a plant still grow if it had no oxygen?
C.  The Busy Leaf

7. Where in a plant does photosynthesis happen?

8. Specifically in which organelle does photosynthesis happen? ____________________

  • Draw a Chloroplast!!

Now Click on “INTRO TO PHOTOSYNTHESIS” at the top left of the page.

9. What are the two very important things that we get out of photosynthesis? Now think…why are those SO important?

10.How does the Earth get all of its energy? ___________________________________

11.What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph? If you can’t figure it out, click on the word autotroph!

Now click on “ENERGY FLOW IN ORGANISMS” at the left of the page.

12 a. What types of organisms are Primary Producers?

     b. What are Herbivores/Primary Consumers?  Give 3 examples.

     c. What are Carnivores/Secondary Consumers?  Give 3 examples.

     d. What are Decomposers?  Give 3 examples.

     e. What are Omnivores?  Give 3 examples.

D.  Why Leaves Change Color

13. Why do leaves change color (what factors)?

14. What does this say about their ability to carry out photosynthesis?

E.  Endosymbiont Theory: Evolution of Organelles

15. What structures do mitochondria and chloroplasts have that are more similar with prokaryotes than with eukaryotes?

16. Which organelle, mitochondrion or chloroplast, is probably the descendent of Cyanobacteria (a photosynthetic bacterium)?

17. According to biologist Lynn Margulist, which organelle ancestor was the first to be ingested?

F.  Cellular Respiration
  • Read the article and click on the blue highlighted words to reveal diagrams needed for answering the following questions.

18. What is the precise definition of cellular respiration?

19. Draw the cyclical nature of the energy transformation between photosynthesis and respiration.

20. Where does the process of respiration begin?  Where does this process get completed?

21. What are the products of respiration?

22. Draw the three-dimensional view of the mitochondrion.

23. What is aerobic respiration?

24. What is anaerobic respiration?

25. What is fermentation?  Describe how the process is different in plants and animals.

G.  Biology in Motion
  • Watch the animation and read the information provided.  Answer the following questions.

26. What is ATP?

27. How are the foods that we eat and ATP related?

28. THINK: ATP provides the body with energy. Give 3 examples of how ATP is used in organisms.

H.  Enzymes - Watch these short videos on enzymes

29. Explain what enzymes do.

I.  Metabolism - Watch this short video on digestion and metabolism

30. Do a search to explain the term metabolism.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


-Photosynthesis and Respiration
-Demonstration: Bromthymol Blue as an indicator for changes in pH (CO2 will produce a color change in Bromthymol blue)
-Read pgs. 83-87
-Discuss concepts and correct worksheets
-Discussion and correcting worksheets
-Demonstrations: Fermentation of yeast, Peroxidase demo, gas demo with flame (light/relight), Elodea photosynthesis bubbling demo, and Leaf Chromatography demo.
-Where Do I Get Energy? Internet Lesson
-Where Do I Get Energy? Internet Lesson
-Where Do I Get Energy? Internet Lesson
-Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Vacation!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cell Membrane Animations


-Bubble Lab!!
-STUDY!! Test on Chapter 3.1 and 3.2 on Tuesday, 12/10
-Begin reading 3.3 Photosynthesis and Respiration
-Field Trip: North Shore Music Theatre, A Christmas Carol
-Photosynthesis and Respiration discussion
-Photosynthesis video

Sunday, December 1, 2013


-Notes on 3.1, Cell Chemistry
-Set up "Egg-speriment"
-Begin reading 3.2, Moving Cellular Materials
-Complete Note-taking Guide
-Diffusion demos
-Test on 3.1 and 3.2 scheduled to be taken on Monday, 12/9 (review sheet to be handed out)
-More osmosis and diffusion demos
-Youtube video clips - fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane
-make bubble frames
-"Egg-speriment" demo
No School - Professional Development
-"Egg-speriment" demo
-Notes and review for Test on Monday, 12/9

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Trivia - Extra Credit +5, Due Monday 12/1


Thanksgiving Science Trivia
1. What is the genus and species of the turkey?                                       

2. What is a snood?

3. How many pounds of turkey did the average American consume in the year 2012?
4. Why are cranberries described as epigynous?

5. Firearms hunting season for white tailed deer often begins close to
Thanksgiving. In which five U.S. states are white tailed deer not naturally found?

6. Approximately how many feathers does a mature turkey have?

7. By popular legend, how did male turkeys become known as “toms”?

8. Sweet potatoes are quite nutritious and provide the greatest percentage
recommended daily allowance of which vitamin?

9. According to a recent study, professional football players often suffer from
dementia due to repeated concussions. How much greater is a pro football
player’s risk of dementia than that of an average person?

10. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid found in turkey. Which codon
specifies tryptophan?

11. Turkey meat may be categorized as dark meat or white meat. Which type is
made of slow twitch muscle fibers?

12. What pigments in leaves are responsible for the yellow, red, and orange
colors seen in autumn before deciduous trees drop their leaves?

13. Tryptophan in turkey has been blamed for making people feel sleepy after a
meal. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is a precursor for which
neurotransmitter that might be associated with sleepiness?

14. The correct term for the wishbone is the __________? It forms by the fusion
of which other bones?

15. Native Americans taught the Pilgrims to plant corn. Corn hundreds of years
ago was probably more similar in appearance and taste to what is now fed to
animals. A mutation in a corn gene is thought to have replaced starchiness with
sugar. Name the gene that is responsible for this.