Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Use this Study Guide to help prepare your note card!!!!


Photosynthesis and Respiration Study Guide

  • Why? To convert sunlight energy to chemical energy
  • Whom?
            1. All green plants (Plant Kingdom),
            2. photosynthetic bacteria,
            3. plant-like protists (algae)
  • Where? Leaves(organs), specifically chloroplasts
  • When? During daylight/sunlight (even on a cloudy day)
  • What? Chloroplasts [are making food/glucose]; “Mean green photosynthesizing machines”

Define Photosynthesis. “The Putting Together With Light”

  • Producers/autotrophs - organisms that can make their own food.
  • We get so much from the process of photosynthesis:  food, clothing medicines, wood, oxygen, paper, pencils, flowers, and so much more!

Respiration/Aerobic Respiration
  • Why? To produce ATP
  • Whom? All aerobes (organisms that use oxygen); producers and consumers
1. Plants
            2. Animals
            3. Some bacteria
            4. Protists
5. Some fungi
  • Where?  Begins in the Cytoplasm and moves into the Mitochondria
  • When? Constantly
  • What? Food/glucose is being broken down to release energy

Define respiration. The metabolic processes whereby certain organisms obtain energy from organic molecules; processes that take place in the cells and tissues during which ATP energy is released and carbon dioxide and water is produced.

Fermentation/Anaerobic Respiration
  • Why? To produce ATP
  • Whom? All anaerobes (organisms that do not use oxygen)
            1. Yeast/fungi
            2. Some bacteria
  • Where? Cytoplasm
  • When? Constantly
  • What? Food/glucose [is being fermented]

Define fermentation. Fermentation is a process by which food is broken down
without oxygen, in living organisms, to produce ATP.

  • What industries use fermentation?                 
            1. Baking (CO2)
            2. Brewing (Alcohol and CO2)
            3. Dairy (Lactic Acid)
  • What are the reactants ? One sugar (C6H12O6) (and a ATP investment).
  • What are the products of fermentation? ATP and [CO2, alcohol] OR [ lactic acid]

Consumers/heterotrophs - organisms that must obtain food sources from other organisms.
  • Herbivores - eat only plants
  • Carnivores - eat only meat
  • Omnivores - eat both plants and meat
  • Scavengers - organisms that eat dead organisms
  • Decomposers/Detritivores - Break down organisms, “nature’s recyclers”

  • Arrows point towards the organism obtaining energy or eating!

Metabolism - The chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.

Enzymes - Help speed up chemical processes by breaking substances apart or putting substances together.  Think about the Pineapple Lab!

  • Use my blog, review worksheets and other assignments
  • Use the textbook, pgs. 83-87

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