Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cell Project Letter

                                                                                                     October 18, 2012

Dear Parents and Guardians,

        Students have begun a unit on The Cell, chapter 2 in the Life’s Structure and Function textbook.  We have studied all about the various organelles and parts and how each has a particular function.  Students have been assigned a project called, Building a Cell.  Students will create a three-dimensional model of a plant or animal cell.  Please see the project directions sheet for details.  

Many creative ideas are available to students and some are discussed in class.  Students are encouraged to use recyclable materials and other inexpensive objects that represent by shape, size and color the various organelles that are found in the cell.  Shoe boxes work great as well as plastic containers.  In the past some cells were made out of cake decorated with various types of candies each chosen carefully to represent the parts of a cell and some were made out of pizza.  Other cells have been made out of foam or Styrofoam.

This Cell project is due Friday, October 26th.  On this day students will present and share their projects.  The classroom will be a virtual cell museum.  I call this very special day, “Cell-a-Bration”.  We celebrate remarkable and amazing cells.  Students are allowed to eat the edible cells if they wish.  This is a really fun visual and kinesthetic activity that engages student learning of the cell as well as helping to reinforce concepts.


Mrs. Pratt

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